So have you ever done a search with your name? I did recently, both on a social networking website and through a standard search engine, and found it to be rather interesting. First, there are actually a lot of people with my name, which is kind of scary (what if one becomes famous for serial killing or something) and also a little cool. Since I have never actually met anyone else with my name I’ll have to take this on faith and cast aside the voices in my head that try and tell me this is all a plot against me and there really are no other people with my name. Second, the good news: I’m not the dumbest, ugliest, geekiest, red-neckiness, loneliest, twisted, alcohol consumingiest, of the lot. Third, the sad truth: I’m not the buffest, best looking, smartest, wealthiest, most popular, or artistically talented either.
I even found some guy with my name that died in 1814, whose will was online. Wow, that shows how behind the times I am, I had no idea that the Internet existed before his death that he might post it there. Among the interesting things I was able to learn about this fellow, was the tragedy of him being a slave own (one Fanny and daughter Nancy, whom he left to his wife), that he didn’t seem to like his son Isaac much (whom was left “the bottom that he sits on”), that although he died in Virginia well after the War of Independence he still willed all his money out in pounds, and that he felt it necessary to will his soul to God (as if God required the proper legal documentation). I have no reason to actually believe that I am related to this man in any way since to the best of my knowledge my lineage doesn’t go back that far in the states.
Some British bloke has very selfishly snatched up all the domain names with my name with the various endings such as .net, .org, and .com. The sad thing is they are all the same really lame website, and he isn’t doing anything particularly interesting with them.
In addition to doctors and lawyers, and cops, my favorite find of those that share my name was a photo of an infant, with the caption “Our Little Ladybug.” While I find this somewhat humorous, and I have no problem with parents having daughters play with trucks and son’s with dolls, I think it might be in the kids best interest for someone to give me a slightly more dudish nickname.
Overall, I may never be the best Matthew French at any particular thing, I must still be faithful to doing the best with what I’ve best giving. Maybe that will end up on a website someday, oh wait, now it is (this blog was the 33rd result of over 10 million at the time this post was written, wow). Those Matthew French’s are some insightful people.